Hospitalized in Australia

03.18.23 by Travelex Insurance
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Travelex takes great pride in providing outstanding travel insurance. We encourage our customers to dream, explore, and travel on with confidence knowing we're behind you. These are the words of our customers — real people just like you — sharing their unique travel stories and how they successfully handled the unexpected on their trip. Here’s what Val and Lynette wrote in...

“We have traveled/cruised twice a year for the past six plus years and being in our senior years we ALWAYS purchase Travelex Insurance. While traveling with friends a few years ago, whom we encouraged to also buy Travelex Insurance, they experienced a medical condition which left them stranded in a foreign country for two weeks. Travelex served them well, very well indeed. We never thought that something like that would ever happen to us, but it did, just three months ago while in Sydney Australia in route to catch a cruise ship to New Zealand. My wife was hospitalized there for 10 days and underwent two surgeries; our American medical insurance was useless. If we had not had travel insurance the hospital wouldn’t have admitted her without a VERY large cash deposit. To make matters worse, our cruise ship left without us. Travelex was wonderful. They handled everything, from the financials to the scheduling and got us home safely after two weeks living in stress, in a foreign country. Once home Travelex made us whole again, reimbursing us for all vacation travel expenses and cruise costs, and paid the hospital and doctors in Sydney Australia. How Wonderful Is That!” — Val and Lynette C.

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